Objective Anesthesia Review: A Comprehensive Textbook for the Examinee Paperback – Import, 31 July 2020 by Atul P Kulkarni (Author), JV Divatia (Author), Vijaya P Patil (Author)

Objective Anesthesia Review: A Comprehensive Textbook for the Examinee Paperback – Import, 31 July 2020 by Atul P Kulkarni (Author), JV Divatia (Author), Vijaya P Patil (Author)

  • ₹1,750.00

The fifth edition of this comprehensive review of anesthesia provides trainees with the latest information and developments in the field. Divided into two sections, the first part of the book discusses anesthetic care for diseases and disorders across 41 cases. The second section covers the complete range of anesthesia equipment. The text has been fully revised and this edition includes topics such as morbid obesity, traumatic brain injury, airway management, and chronic kidney disease (Section 1); and pulmonary function tests, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, video laryngo scopes, and oxygen therapy devices (Section 2). The book is presented in an easy to follow question and answer format, with emphasis on topics often encountered in examinations. The practical text is highly illustrated with clinical photographs, diagrams and tables to assist learning. Key points Comprehensive review of anesthesia for trainees Fully revised, fifth edition, presented in question and answer format Emphasis on topics often encountered in examinations Previous edition (9789352700493) published in 2017
ISBN 9789390020485
Pages Paperback: 600 pages
Product Dimensions 26 x 21x1 cm

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Tags: Objective Anesthesia Review: A Comprehensive Textbook for the Examinee, 2020 by, Atul P, Kulkarni, JV Divatia, Vijaya P Patil