Pocket Guide and Toolkit to Dejong’s Neurologic Examination Paperback-2009by Campbell (Author)

Pocket Guide and Toolkit to Dejong’s Neurologic Examination Paperback-2009by Campbell (Author)

  • ₹1,489.00

Designed as a diagnostic tool for non-neurologists or first-year neurology residents, this pocket guide contains the most essential information from the best-selling DeJong's the Neurologic Examination, Sixth Edition. Included are step-by-step instructions for each stage of the neurologic examination, numerous illustrations depicting examination techniques and frequently used tests and scales such as the Boston Naming Test, Glasgow Coma Scale and Denver Scale of Communication Function. A toolkit at the back of the book contains lightweight adaptations of implements used in performing the examination, such as visual acuity charts, a red lens, a multi-pinhole, an optokinetic nystagmus tape and other devices.
ISBN 9788184732917
Pages Paperback
Product Dimensions 23 x 16 x 2.2 cm

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